Nowadays, daily routine of 9 to 5 of office time or unpredicted table of students life really lead to extremely exhausted. Office workers, students, and whatever you are, we can’t allow the burnout flow massively. In a full day of fatigue task, we need any kind of healthy way to shrink our stiffness of burden. Yet, that kind of way also should benefit us in enhancing our perception of life. Music, painting or drawing, writing, swimming, sports or what-so-ever, you can name one if you want.
This writing is suggesting an outdoor recreation / education as a way to sway the tension. It’s a different between outdoor recreation and outdoor education, but I guess everyone has a slight idea about it. Maybe for the newbies, outdoor recreation can be described (in my own word) as an outdoor activity to fulfil your leisure time. Of course, walking around the park in a sunny day or downhill cycling can be kind of it. But there’s another story if we read it as outdoor education. Outdoor education is (in my word, so you can easily ignore it if wrong) an activity that handled in outdoor environment and syringed with educational and knowledgeable element that can help the participants to motivate their selves.
I’m not that experience to handle a talk about outdoor recreation or education. Alhamdulillah, with my degree in Forestry (and I’m proud of it) and a time I’ve spent as outdoor instructor in Wilderness Centre Sdn. Bhd. and Environmental Education Officer (hmmmm.. I rather put myself in this post than Programme and Centre Officer) of Kuala Selangor Nature Park @ Malaysian Nature Society, I’ve gained such mesmerizing moment in outdoor and of course, self development. Yet, I become a teacher – PE teacher – because my involvement in outdoor that prepare me well to share my passion and knowledge. As we know, outdoor lover is a person who loves to share their experience, and it’s hard to find any of outdoor practitioners who have very negative and gloomy personality. But yes, maybe there’s another case, but who cares...
But yet, I’m not that prepare enough to finish this writing. Refer to the title (just an idea, and I’m afraid to use it if I’m not that capable enough to discuss about it), there’s a lot of researches (although this is not an academic writing), flash-backs and reading I need to complete before this writing can be fully complimented. As a rough idea, I put the writing in this post, and can it be considered as an abstract? Slowly, time will settle it down...
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